
Showing posts with the label #SQL server CTE Recursive

Using CTE Recursively to get the hierachy from Parent child stored in same table (Continent-> Country-> State-> City)

In this article I will explain how to write a query to create parent-child hierarchy ( Continent-> Country-> State-> City ) with levels using recursive common table expression (CTE).  While working with database we often store parent and child id in same table. Let's take the example of  Continents, Countries, State/Province and City. They are stored in same table, and we have to get all of them in hierarchy e.g.  Continent-> Country-> State-> City . Let's begin and understand this via an example:  Create a table using the script below:    IF   OBJECT_ID ( 'tempdb.dbo.#tbHierarchy' ,   'U' )   IS   NOT   NULL    DROP   TABLE  #tbHierarchy ;     GO   CREATE   TABLE  #tbHierarchy    (           Id  INT          , [Name]  VARCHAR ( 20 )      ...