Azure Devops - Create Organization and add dotnet project to the Azure Devops repository.

 In this article, we will cover how to add new Azure Devops Organisation and also how to add the C# project code in the Azure Devops Repository.

Go to Sign in with your credentials. 

Click on the link New Organization. 

Provide the name of the organization. I have given TechGeekGen-Z. Press Continue.

This screen will appear for few mins. Devops Organization will be created after this.

Create a Project in the newly created Devops Organization. 
Click on New Project button in the left. Provide the Project name. 
Choose Private if you want your project to be used only by the people you give access to otherwise choose Public. I am choosing Private here. Click on Create Project. 

The Project is created successfully.

copy the highlighted command for pushing the origin on git as it contains origin url. This origin url will be used further.

 Now, we have to add the code in Azure Devops repository. Let's assume we already have some .net project/POC code already on our machine. Let' see, how we add this to Azure Devops repository. 

First of all, we have to create an account on Git. Download Git for Windows. I have installed 64 bit. version.

Install Git on machine. Go to parent Folder where code exists on machine (C:\source). Right Click and open Terminal from this folder. Check git is installed properly by writing git. If git is understood as command by the terminal and it shows help section than it means git has installed properly.

Execute these commands in terminal.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin origin url (Command copied above in the empty repository)
git push -u origin --all

After executing the git push -u origin -all. Repository will show the added files. 😇

We will learn in next article, how to create pipeline on this project.

Keep Learning and Keep Growing.

Author: Jilpa Gambhir

Software Developer/Architect working in IT industry from last 18 yrs. Worked in C#.Net, Sql Server, Biztalk, Sharepoint, Azure DevOps, Azure Logic Apps. 


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